The Ins And Outs Of Concrete Sealing

A Guide On Building Concrete Underground Water Tanks

Underground concrete tanks are an instant solution to your residential water storage needs. These tanks are concealed below the surface, allowing you to enjoy your landscape and outdoors. Besides, they maintain water at optimum temperatures since the tanks are insulated against sudden temperature changes. If you want to install an underground concrete water tank, below are some considerations to make. 

Examine The Legality of The Tank

Are you permitted to install an underground concrete tank in your home? Consult with building and construction consultants to determine if there are any restrictions or conditions on the construction of underground concrete water tanks. For instance, you cannot build the tank on an area with an easement. In some cases, you might need a building permit. In other cases, the local council could prohibit excavation works if the area is a reclaimed landfill. 

Assess The Viability of The Project

Conduct site assessments to determine the viability of the project. Start by deciding on a suitable location. The tank's size is a significant determinant when selecting a location. The rule is that the area should be spacious enough to allow plant equipment and builders to work. If you do not have an expansive area, you could opt to use small plant equipment. Moreover, you could dispose of the excavated earth immediately when it is excavated to ensure it does not pile up, hindering plant equipment from working. 

Ask construction experts to examine the site conditions to establish if they are appropriate for an underground concrete tank. For instance, it could be challenging to build the tank if the area has clay or silt soil. The expansion and contraction properties of these soils could weaken the concrete. Besides, the tank could sink further into the ground during heavy rains since the soils weaken. 

Finally, check whether the proposed site has underground utilities that could prohibit the construction of the tank. Furthermore, conduct thorough assessments to ensure the area does not have dangerous underground gases that could affect the excavation and building works. 

Hire Professionals To Design And Build The Tank

Although you will find DIY guides on building underground concrete water tanks, you should always opt for professional construction services. An experienced contractor visits your home to determine the best way to build and install the tank. Typically, the contractor has the skill set and equipment needed to build a leak-proof concrete water tank that can withstand the various underground forces. Moreover, the professional offers a guarantee on the tank. Therefore, you do not incur immediate maintenance costs.  

People who need underground concrete water tanks should assess the tank's legality and viability. Moreover, they should hire experienced contractors to design and install the tank. Look into concrete underground water tanks for more information.
