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Main Causes Of Damage To Your Driveway That Will Necessitate Asphalt Repairs

You probably chose asphalt for your driveway paving due to its renowned endurance. Asphalt, when compared to paving supplies such as concrete, is highly durable. Nonetheless, durability does not translate into invulnerability. Over time and with constant use, asphalt is bound to develop some flaws that will require repairs to prevent them from worsening. As a homeowner, it is essential to know what dangers are posed to your asphalt driveway and the signs of disrepair so that you can take measures to guard against premature replacement. Read on for two main causes of damage to your driveway that will necessitate asphalt repairs.

Water ingress

Water ingress can occur in two main ways. First, during the rainy season, it is crucial to ensure that water does not stay standing over the asphalt. If the water is left to pool for a long time, it steadily seeps into the asphalt and subsequently causes the surface to lose its integrity. The second way that water ingress can occur is when cracks go unchecked on the asphalt. The more cracks that are present, the more water can seep into the asphalt.

Moreover, the more water that accumulates inside the cracks, the wider they become, and this makes them even more susceptible to water penetration. If your location in Aussie experiences particularly severe winters, the pooling water coupled with freeze and thaw cycles could translate into irreparable damage to the driveway. Therefore, not only should you be wary of signs of water damage but you should also consider grading the driveway to create a slope that will facilitate efficient drainage.

Ultraviolet exposure

UV exposure may seem unavoidable since your asphalt driveway is installed outdoors. In truth, though, there are measures you can take to limit this exposure and subsequently mitigate UV damage. When your asphalt driveway is directly exposed to ultraviolet rays, you will notice that the asphalt is steadily losing its lustre. The reason for this is that the sunlight breaks down the pigmentation, and over time, the driveway begins to look dull.

If you do not address the UV exposure at this point, then you may need extensive driveway repairs or replacement since the UV rays will break down the top layer of the asphalt. To prevent this from happening, you should ensure that the asphalt is seal coated on a specified schedule. While the seal coating does provide a protective layer, it is not permanent. Hence, it is crucial to replace it before it has deteriorated in its entirety, leaving the asphalt exposed.
